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Do you even Viking, brø?

Each year, we honor our steadfast community, the Shank Sharpeners Union, with a special commemorative coin—a keepsake to mark another 365 days of growth and support from our extended online family. This year’s piece is a nod to our Danish roots and Viking spirit. That fierce sense of adventure that drives us, the fearlessness in face of challenges, and, perhaps above all, a commitment to brotherhood and loyalty. But there’s another Viking quality we recognize here as well: Determination. The power to keep pushing in an endless pursuit of greatness. 

You see, producing our annual SSU coin is a tradition we hold dear. But things don’t always go as planned… You’ll notice this coin’s date has the “3” in 2023 scratched off and replaced with a “4.” Well that’s because, with so much going on in Mouse Land, we failed to put out a coin last year. And it’s important to acknowledge that, preserving our blunder as a constant reminder of obstacles faced and overcome. Because there’s strength in admitting your missteps and moving forward. It’s the Viking way!

Add one to your EDC line-up and keep that Viking spirit close everyday. Show it off with all your incredible GiantMouse knife posts. And don’t forget to check out the SSU on Facebook and Instagram… you'll be glad you did!


Diameter: 1.5in (38.1mm)
Weight: 0.9oz (28g)
Material: 100% Copper

GiantMouse 2024 Coin


    Do you even Viking, brø?

    Each year, we honor our steadfast community, the Shank Sharpeners Union, with a special commemorative coin—a keepsake to mark another 365 days of growth and support from our extended online family. This year’s piece is a nod to our Danish roots and Viking spirit. That fierce sense of adventure that drives us, the fearlessness in face of challenges, and, perhaps above all, a commitment to brotherhood and loyalty. But there’s another Viking quality we recognize here as well: Determination. The power to keep pushing in an endless pursuit of greatness. 

    You see, producing our annual SSU coin is a tradition we hold dear. But things don’t always go as planned… You’ll notice this coin’s date has the “3” in 2023 scratched off and replaced with a “4.” Well that’s because, with so much going on in Mouse Land, we failed to put out a coin last year. And it’s important to acknowledge that, preserving our blunder as a constant reminder of obstacles faced and overcome. Because there’s strength in admitting your missteps and moving forward. It’s the Viking way!

    Add one to your EDC line-up and keep that Viking spirit close everyday. Show it off with all your incredible GiantMouse knife posts. And don’t forget to check out the SSU on Facebook and Instagram… you'll be glad you did!


    Diameter: 1.5in (38.1mm)
    Weight: 0.9oz (28g)
    Material: 100% Copper

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