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ACE Nimbus V3 - Scandi Grind: BACK IN STOCK

ACE Nimbus V3 - Scandi Grind: BACK IN STOCK

GM Line

Limited Edition Ansø/Vox designs, incorporating "top-shelf" materials and construction GM9...

Limited Edition Ansø/Vox designs, incorporating "top-shelf" materials and construction

GM9 AND ON: The GiantMouse "GM Line" designs are produced in limited runs of only 600 pieces, with 1/3 of the run made in a special version, and marked as such with our Pirate Mouse logo. After the 600 pieces are produced, the design is discontinued.

GM1 - GM8: The GiantMouse "GM Line" designs are produced in limited runs of only 400 pieces, with 25% of the run made in a special version, and marked as such with our Pirate Mouse logo. After the 400 pieces are produced, the design is discontinued.

All past GM Line designs have been long sold-out, but we've kept their photos and information on the website to preserve the history of the line, as well as provide descriptions and specifications for collectors.

All future GM Line designs will be announced in advance of the release date through our Instagram account and newsletter.


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Handle Material

Blade Steel

GiantMouse GMP12 GiantMouse GMP12
Sold out
GiantMouse GMP12



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GiantMouse GMP3 - GiantMouse Knives - Anso Vox Collaborations GiantMouse GMP3 - GiantMouse Knives - Anso Vox Collaborations
Sold out
GiantMouse GMP3

